Core Values
Values flow from what we believe to be true. Our corporate values show how we believe God would have us live, treat each other, and go about our business.
We are committed to the following core values:
- The Bible is the authority for all we do. It shapes the lifestyle, choices and attitudes of daily life. Studying it is essential for stability and maturity in the Christian life. Learning its principles should result not only in knowledge, but also in changed behavior. Its authority and relevance in our lives is timeless and unchanging. In today’s rapidly changing world, the truth of God’s Word must be delivered with accuracy and presented without apology. God’s power for living is linked to His Word.
- We are to reach out to new people intentionally and respectfully, and move them toward becoming devoted disciples of Jesus Christ. We especially believe God has called us to reach out to young people, build strong families, energetically support missions, and love our community. We will do everything we can to assure that everyone who attends or participates in our activities and ministries feels welcomed and loved.
- Everyone is valuable to God though we may be very different. We welcome diversity, but make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. We recognize that Christians are at different places on their journey to spiritual maturity and thus have different needs. We are to be a church family which shares with one another in true Christian fellowship that spans age groups, ethnic differences, and personal backgrounds.
- Each believer has been gifted by God to serve others, and each believer’s gifts are needed by the church family. We are not a church of spectators; we are a body in which each person has a necessary and significant function to fulfill, and is participating in the work of ministry. We seek to help each believer discover and develop their spiritual gift in order to serve God effectively. Spiritual growth is important to all believers. Maintaining a high standard of excellence in all of our ministries is our goal as we serve God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Lay leadership needs to be multiplied, developed, and encouraged, to meet the growing needs of the church.
- Nothing of eternal significance is accomplished apart from prayer. Prayer is our calling, our privilege, our primary source of strength and our duty. The ministries and activities of this church will be characterized by a reliance on prayer. We will promote and encourage honest prayerfulness in every area of our life and ministry, praying effectively as individuals and with others. God invites us to have continual and increasing intimacy with Him, and intimacy with God is at the heart of genuine fellowship with others.